Why You Shouldn’t Use an App to Learn to Play Piano

Why You Shouldn't Use an App to Learn to Play Piano

Music is not exempt from the advent of technology, and the rise of piano learning apps is proof of that. However, while these apps may seem like a convenient and cost-effective solution for those seeking to learn the piano, there is a growing consensus among professionals that learning with a piano teacher remains the optimal method for obtaining a comprehensive and well-rounded musical education. Hence that these apps will never replace their wisdom. 


In this article, we will explore the limitations of piano learning apps and the benefits of learning with a proper piano tutor in an effort to shed light on the importance of the traditional method of piano education.



  • One of the first reasons apps are not so good for learning to play the piano is that they are limited in providing personalised guidance.

Most of their contents are organised in a pre-established way, without attending to the student’s individual needs. Every student is different and has unique conditions, strengths, and weaknesses. A good teacher will be able to identify these and tailor their lessons to suit each student, ensuring that they are getting the most out of their lessons. On the other hand, apps can only provide generic feedback and cannot cater to individual needs. The only feedback they can provide is whether the individual hit the right notes or played too early or too late. In other words, most of the nuances of style or technical considerations will be totally omitted.



  • Another area for improvement with these new apps is that they need the human touch.

Playing the piano is not just about hitting the right notes in time; it is about connecting with the music, feeling the rhythm and character of the pieces, and creating a unique, personal interpretation. A teacher can help students develop this connection by providing guidance and continuous feedback on their playing. They can also help students understand the emotional and musical context of the pieces they are playing, which is essential to becoming a well-rounded pianist.



  • Some other aspects of playing the piano simply cannot be taught through an app.

For example, posture, hand technique, and even timing and rhythm can only be properly taught and improved upon through one-on-one interaction with a teacher. Yet, these are crucial elements of playing the piano, and students who learn through apps will likely struggle to develop these skills, which could limit their ability to play advanced pieces in the future.



Learning music solely through an app runs the risk of not developing a true understanding of the music and its underlying components. Without a comprehensive education, students can only play pieces mechanically, without truly grasping their essence or meaning. This superficial approach to music not only hinders the student’s ability to appreciate and connect with the music fully but can also result in wasting time and effort. Instead of truly internalising the music, the student is left with a collection of separate pieces that lack coherence and depth and doesn’t guide them into the following challenge or musical milestone. In order to truly understand and connect with music, it is essential to have a solid foundation of knowledge and experience, which can only be acquired through dedicated study and practice guided by a knowledgeable teacher.


In conclusion, while piano learning apps may seem easy and convenient, they differ from the benefits of learning with a teacher. A good teacher will provide personalised feedback, help students connect with the music, and provide guidance on crucial elements of playing that cannot be learned through an app. If you are serious about learning the piano, I strongly recommend seeking a qualified and experienced teacher. Your musical path will be enriched, and you will have a more fulfilling musical journey. Contact us for more info!


Do not miss our latest post in which we explore the idea of getting everyone into classical music, and avoid the decaying of this historical music genre.


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