A Comprehensive Guide to ABRSM Piano Exams

why take abrsm exam

Why Take ABRSM Exam?

A Comprehensive Guide to ABRSM Piano Exams


why take abrsm exam


ABRSM is one of the most renowned examination boards of the UK. It was established in 1889 and is currently one of the leading organisations for assessing musical education in the world. ABRSM offers a comprehensive range of graded exams and diplomas in several musical disciplines, including piano, violin, singing, theory, and more.

ABRSM exams are reputed for their high standards and rigorous evaluation of musicianship and technical proficiency. The so-called ‘grades’ provide a framework for students to progress and set goals, while also offering a way to measure their musical capabilities. These exams are respected and accepted globally and they hold significant value in the music industry. They are oftentimes required when applying for scholarships to prove certain aptitude in a music discipline, such as piano, and they represent an important milestone to aim for.

Preparing for an ABRSM piano exam is a challenging task, but it is up to us to convert that difficulty into an enriching experience that will push us forward in our musical journey. In this article we will cover everything you need to know about before sitting for the ABRSM piano exams, including the types of exams, their structure, preparation tips, and some ideas on how to make the most of your learning experience with them.



Introduction to ABRSM Piano Exams


ABRSM offers a range of exams, including practical exams, performance exams, and music theory exams. These cater to different disciplines, learning styles, strengths, and preferences, allowing students to choose the one that best suits their goals.

For most disciplines, such as Piano, Violin or Singing, the offering consists of eight different grades and three or four diplomas which are meant to be taken after the grades.: ARSM (Associate of the Royal Schools of Music), DipABRSM (Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music), LRSM (Licentiate of the Royal Schools of Music) and FRSM (Fellowship of the Royal Schools of Music).


Learning through exams? (A common misconception)

While preparing for ABRSM exams can certainly enhance a student’s musical abilities, it is important to understand that the exams themselves are not intended to be a comprehensive teaching curriculum. A common misconception is that by following the ABRSM grading system the student will learn all the required concepts and techniques in order to overcome each level. In reality, these exams have the main purpose of proving one individual’s musical level.

Let’s consider a simple analogy: we wouldn’t attempt sitting for a maths exam without studying the required concepts beforehand, in the same way, it’s equally important for students to engage in regular lessons in order to develop a well-rounded musicianship that extends beyond the scope of the exams. Regular lessons will provide the essential foundation, guidance, and skill-set for the students to improve their musical abilities and achieve their goals, whatever they may be.



Types of ABRSM Piano Exams


Practical Exams


ABRSM practical exams are traditional face to face examinations in which an examiner assesses a student’s ability to perform pieces, play scales and arpeggios, sight-read music, and demonstrate aural skills. These exams are graded from 1 to 8, with Grade 1 being the entry-level and Grade 8 the most advanced. Practical exams are conducted in person at an ABRSM exam center, where an examiner evaluates the student’s performance.

In order to book the exam, it is mandatory to check the ABRSM exam dates and fees, and register in the online booking period first. There are three exam editions during the year: March, June and November. Usually this booking period is one month before the actual exam. You can also choose the date, time and the venue, always upon availability.


Exam Day Tips (for Practical exams)


  • Arrive early and ensure you have all necessary materials, such as sheet music, a pen, and your exam program.
  • Take time to warm up and calm any nerves before entering the exam room.
  • Once inside the room, listen carefully to the examiner’s directions. When going through the technical stage (scales and arpeggios), it is always better to ask again in case you didn’t understand the instruction, rather than playing a wrong scale or arpeggio. Otherwise, the examiner could assume you didn’t know the required scale.
  • During the exam, focus on your performance and try to block out any distractions or nerves. If you are having trouble with this, we gently recommend this article to learn how to overcome it.
  • Take your time between pieces to regroup and mentally prepare for the next piece. It is always better to spend a bit more time preparing for the next piece than rushing and not leaving enough time to separate both performances.
  • Remember to thank the examiner for their time and demonstrate good performance etiquette.


Performance Exams


ABRSM performance exams are an alternative to practical exams and focus solely on a student’s ability to perform pieces. They were introduced during COVID, due to the impossibility of doing face to face exams. These exams are also graded from 1 to 8 and require students to submit a video recording of their performance, which is then assessed remotely by an examiner. Performance exams are ideal for students who prefer to focus on their performance skills without the added pressure of the other more technical tests. It is important to note that there is no difference between the exams (practical and performance) in terms of qualification.


According to the ABRSM website:

There are no booking periods or exam sessions. Instead, you can make the entry, and once confirmed, submit the exam video whenever you have it ready. You can submit the video when you book or at any time during the following 28 days.


Recording and Submitting Your ABRSM Performance Exams


According to ABRSM’s official website, since 8 March 2023 candidates no longer need to show a programme form to the camera at the start of the exam recording. Instead they will be asked to enter the programme details when submitting the video. 

For students taking ABRSM performance exams, it’s crucial to follow the guidelines provided by ABRSM for recording and submitting their video performance. Not compelling with the requirements could result in a decrease in marks or, in worst cases, a total dismissal of the application. For this reason, make sure the video is high-quality, with a clear view of the performer (including both hands and feet) and the instrument . Properly introduce each piece, and ensure the video has a continuous flow without any editing or stopping.

Take the time to set up the recording space, ensuring it is tidy and free of distractions. Dress appropriately, as if performing in a live concert, to demonstrate professionalism and respect for the exam process. Remember to vow at the end just as a regular performance, thanking the examiners for their time and attention. Ultimately, there will be a person behind the computer listening to your interpretations.


Theory Exams


ABRSM theory exams evaluate a student’s understanding of music theory, including notation, harmony, and composition. These exams are available for Grades 1 to 8 and are typically taken alongside practical or performance exams. Theory exams are conducted in a written format and can be taken in person or online, depending on the grade level. Grades 1-5 via online, and Grades 6-8 in-person.


It is important to note that if you plan to pursue Grade 6 in Piano through ABRSM, you will need to fulfil a prerequisite: sitting the Grade 5 theory exam. Remember to always plan in advance for this, and we always suggest keeping an integral approach to learning music.

If you need help preparing for the theory exams, we always have our music theory courses!

Our Approach at WKMT

When we refer to an integral approach, we mean a comprehensive and well-rounded approach that encompasses various aspects of musical development. It goes beyond simply practising an instrument or learning to read sheet music. An integral approach involves nurturing multiple facets of musicianship, such as technical proficiency, theoretical knowledge, creative expression, and musical interpretation. This is why at WKMT we organise regular concert meet-ups with students, musical “soirees” in which they are encouraged to play in an informal setting, and music festivals for them to perform in front of an audience once a year. Also, this is why we believe ABRSM exams should be taken as an opportunity to improve as musicians and to push the limits of what we are capable of.



ABRSM Piano Exam Structure


ABRSM piano exams follow a structured format that is consistent across the different grades. The exam structure is as follows:


For Practical and Performance exams:


  • Pieces: Students are required to prepare and perform a selection of pieces from the ABRSM syllabus. For practical exams, students prepare three pieces, while performance exams require four pieces.


Only required in Practical exams:


  • Scales and Arpeggios: Students must demonstrate their technical skills by playing a variety of scales and arpeggios relevant to their grade level.


  • Sight-Reading: Students are given a short, previously unseen piece of music to play, and are given 30 seconds to prepare them in real time.


  • Aural Tests: The examiner assess student’s aural skills through a series of listening exercises, including ‘echoes’ (singing or playing back a short melody), clapping along the beat, recognising differences in pitch or rhythm and describing musical features.


TIP: A convenient way of preparing for those tests is by using some of the ABRSM: Official apps and practice tools.



Understanding ABRSM Exam Results


ABRSM exam results are typically available within a few weeks of the exam date. The results include a total score out of 150, with a breakdown of marks for each exam component. Students must achieve a minimum of 100 marks to pass, 120 marks to get Merit, or 130 to get Distinction. 

After the exam, it is essential to review the feedback provided by the examiner and use it to guide future practice and learning. Celebrate your achievements, but also recognise areas where improvement is needed and work with your teacher to address those in future lessons.



Making the Most of Your ABRSM Learning Experience


Preparing for an ABRSM piano exam is an excellent opportunity for personal and musical growth. To make the most of your learning experience:


  • Practice consistently and dedicate time to developing your piano technique, musicianship, and understanding of music fundamentals. Acknowledge that improving at any instrument takes time and effort, but always knowing that the rewards are around the corner.


  • Embrace the challenges that arise during your preparation and use them as opportunities for growth by identifying your weaknesses.


  • Remember that the exam is just one aspect of your musical adventure, and the skills and knowledge gained through the process will serve you well beyond the exam itself.




ABRSM piano exams are a great way to get a structured and internationally recognized framework to develop and showcase our musical abilities. By understanding the different types of exams, exam structure, and following the preparation tips, you will have the possibility of making informed decisions and working towards your goals with confidence. With the support of a qualified teacher and consistent practice, you should be able to successfully navigate the ABRSM piano exam process and enjoy a rewarding and enriching musical journey. 

In case you are doubting between ABRSM or Trinity, do not hesitate to learn our post going through the main differences.

If you are considering preparing for an ABRSM piano exam, it is important to know that at WKMT, we have been providing piano instruction to students in London since 2010 with an exceptional record of success. Our students have consistently achieved outstanding results in their exams, demonstrating our commitment to their musical growth and achievement. Please get in touch with us and our expert team will help you conquer your musical aspirations.

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