How important is ‘Vocal Rest’?

How important is 'Vocal Rest'?

How important is ‘Vocal Rest’?

vocal lessons london

Yes, vocal rest is very important!

When I have students attend my vocal coaching sessions I am there to support as a vocal coach, however, it is also my duty to be aware of their vocal health.

I am prone to making my clients aware of just how much rest they need in order for their vocals to be in tip-top shape. Sometimes the stresses of daily life can put a strain on your vocals causing them to feel raw or even closed.

If this happens the best thing that you could do for yourself is to ‘Go Quiet‘.

Below are some de-stress tips so you can keep your vocals healthy:

1. Don’t shout!

2. Steaming your vocal chords help to keep them nice and flexible ready to sing and or if you are an actor/actress prepared to speak.

3. Have ‘Me Time‘! Run a warm bath, put on some music, read a book and soak your body into relaxation. Having quiet time alone allows you the space to be still and to not use your voice.

4. Try not to speak for long lengths of time. When we speak we lose daily moisture that is essential for healthy vocal chords.

5. When clearing your throat cough out instead of doing the famous ‘Uhhum’ in the back of the throat as this can cause further irritation to your throat.

6. Drink plenty of water. Room temperature is best and if it is a herbal tea, have warm water.

7. Last but not least get plenty of sleep!

All these tips can make a huge difference to your overall health, vocal health and vocal performance.

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