Vicente Scaramuzza Technique: Why are we so keen?

Vicente Scaramuzza Technique: Why are we so keen?

We’ve been promoting Vicente Scaramuzza’s piano technique since the beginning of our studio, Why? Mainly because, after making a lot of research we came to the conclusion that it is the clearest piano paradigm in existence. Its is important to know that how do you play the piano, the techniques you learn and use define your sound.

There are many and different piano schools and piano techniques, the majority of them tainted with a halo of mysticism. In other words, it is very romantic to be subjective when talking about the expressive aspects of music; but when we need to teach how to play the piano to someone who has never done it before, it is quite important to eradicate any subjectivity. The concepts need to be clear enough to be: firstly, understood by the teacher in charge and secondly, to be successfully transferred to the student.

What the Scaramuzza’s approach allows is basically to have a very transparent source of technical knowledge that enables our professionals to spot problems easily and quickly. After we have clearly identified the problem we can address it professionally, optimizing our students’ studying time. There is no point in stuffing our students’ busy schedules with homework based on unclear guidelines. Learning piano requires a lot of introspection time but not an indefinite amount of it!

The core concept behind our technique is intellectualization. Analysis and understanding go hand in hand with success. We will spend most of the time during the sessions trying to unveil the mysteries of piano performance in a way in which they cease to be considered mysteries and start to be treated as clear and simple challenges. There is always room for improvement if we know clearly where we are heading into.

Summarizing, the Scaramuzza technique is simple and easy to understand. As if that wasn’t enough, it is also exhaustive; every single movement you will use to perform a piece is studied both in isolation and in application.

Learning in piano is much easier if your teacher knows in full what it is all about!

#institutional #Scaramuzza

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